Space Pirates In Space!Concept Statement
Space Pirates In Space! is a top down two player turn based strategy game where the players play as two opposing pirate squads. Their goal is to find and kill the captain the only problem is that they cannot tell which of the player's units are standard fighting types, the captain, or the cabin boy who will destroy a large area of terrain taking out all in its large radius friend or foe. In order to have the player focus on their strategy and unit placement we decided to go with a simplistic art style. This not only makes it easy for any mobile device to run our game it also makes it so that there is no question where the unit is going to go. Time Frame January 2017 (3 Weeks) Team Conor Tully - Lead Design, Quality Assurance Lead Dustin Yost - Lead Programmer, Repository Lead Cody Douglas - Producer, Scrum Master Jen Carlin - Lead Artist |