Concept Statement Light Up the Knight is a Top-Down Puzzle Game for Android where players must create chain reactions using fireworks to impress the King and bring joy to the Kingdom.
Players must use space to their advantage to set up boxes for success in every level. It all culminates with a swift swing of the fire sword and some explosions.
Push Boxes,
Ignite Fireworks,
Impress the King,
and most importantly,
Time Frame September 2019 - December 2019 (4 Months)
My Role Level Designer
My Tasks
Level Design and Iteration
Level updates
Quality assurance testing
Creating a fully interactive tutorial that teaches the player gameplay through interaction instead of explaining via text
Team Conor Tully - Level Designer/Product Owner Alex Elson - Level Designer Saad Baloch - Artist Sam Chu - Programmer
The intent of this level is to reinforce learned pushing mechanics, and chaining of firework boxes.
This is the Final level in the game, it is the culmination of what the player has learned up until this point.